Archive | March, 2011

just a thought :)

14 Mar

It is sad to know that some irate and in demand relatives of patients who dont even happen to be toxic are nurses themselves.. Please don’t act like that for honestly, you are just leaving a bad impression to the employed nurses (yes, thats us) . Please don’t “project” too hard as if you know every single thing that we do because yes, we may both have the same foundation and its a given but it’s a pitty that you might want to review the ethical foundation of our field. thank you 😛


please tick the one that suits you.

( ) a nurse from abroad, who is just overly – over the top about the ideal practice..

( ) a nurse who works from another hospital who is too itchy to let us know that you are also a working RN..

( ) or an unemployed RN who is slowly turning into a bitter gourd..

( ) or worse, a student nurse but already have the balls to bitch with a registered nurse. Oh come on.


The bottom line is, let’s act as a professional. 🙂

note: I am sorry for being too blunt (again). I am not stereotyping. I am more of reminding. There’s no harm in acting nice, were colleagues. Thank You.